Tuesday, December 10, 2013

History of Habonim Hagshama Seminar

This past week, the chanichim traveled around the country, meeting former members of Habonim Dror who have gone on to live in Israel and founded kibbutzim.

The central goal of the seminar (History of Habonim Hagshama) is to learn about the exciting impact HDNA has had on the development of Israel through old and new kibbutzim. Sunday, the workshoppers traveled to the kinneret cemetery and chatzer kinneret to learn together about the roots of the chalutzim (pioneers). Monday was a trip to kibbutzim kfar hanassim, amiad and yizrael, all founded by Habonim Olim (those who have made aliyah) from around the world. There they met with kibutznikim who were there in the early days and some who grew up in Habonim in their respective countries. On Tuesday they attended the WZO candle lighting celebrating Hanukah with all of the youth movements from around the world at Har Hertzl, in Jerusalem, and visited Kibbutz MIshoal, the largest urban kibbutz in Israel. The next day they traveled to Kibbutz Eshbal in the north, home to members of Hanor Haoved members (Habonim Dror's sister movement in Israel). Some of kibbutz Eshbal's members work along side with Habonim Olim doing educational work with Israel's underprivileged youth. And finally on thursday they learned about urban kibbutzim of young Habonim Olim in Haifa. Here they had a panel of former HDNA leaders talking about what it was like to grow up in the movement and continue movement work in Israel.

Visiting the grave of Theodore Herzl and past state leaders
 at Har Herzl in Jerusalem

Visiting Kibbutzim

Lighting Hannukah candles...